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Updated: Mar 20, 2023

A blog article written by Spencer Elsworth, UK

The other night we were called to arms after word got round that a local had lost 22 goats due to Hyenas. We grabbed our stuff, jumped in the car and headed down to get an interview with the owner of the goats. The interview gave us alot more information and we found out that the total number of goats missing had gone up to 35. A hearder then took us along the route where some of the dead goats were found. How did 35 goats end up missing? It’s down to a spot of rain and lazy hearders. 120 goats were left to fend for themselves in the rain because we can only assume the hearders didn’t want to get wet. A small series of events that led to the perfect conditions for hyenas to feed. So who’s to blame? Maybe the rain? Maybe the hearders? But it’s definitely not the Hyenas. They are apex predators, just like lions, or leopards, or even crocodiles. All these animals are doing is responding to their natural instinct, so why do hyenas get a bad wrap? I personally blame ‘The Lion King’

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